Friday, 25 June 2010

Stobhill Hospital......Glasgow

Imagine, gentle reader, waiting to be taken in for a scan in the plush 'new bit' of Stobhill. One is 45 minutes early and a weak extended bladder provides for a spot of quick nifty foot work perambulating through the corridors of time. . This is not to say one has a liking for a hike through a '19th century hospital providing 21st century medicine' Nope. One just needs a loo.

I find one just by the Geriatric unit. The previous occupant is still engaged in exercising his haunches in the most interesting way, a bit like a stray dog when it wipes it's butt on one's lawn. Scooting all over the shop like a wounded swimmer using it's rear end as a rudder, and gaily paddling away with it's front paws.

Well, no more thoughts of me using a loo at S'hill. I'll take the dog with me next time and blame him

Bye mae looves...............

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The radio commentator...........

Driving home from Muirhead to Lenzie I exposed my hammer and anvil to the World Cup football on the radio. Not a thing I do often but I'd thought I'd give it a shot. The commentator seemed to be an intelligent chap until he said this...

"One team is in white shorts and blue tops with red socks, and the others are wearing green shorts with yellow tops and yellow socks"

Radio in living colour...only in Scotland yer beauty.

True dat...

The Village Chief

Somewhere in the Comoros, north of Madagascar

The Village Chief, a bit of a dandy by nature, is known as a disciplinarian in his tribe, and has taken upon himself the title 'Eyeball Johnny' With this title comes great powers of insight into the menial lives of members of his tribe. For example, EJ calls the village idiots (whoops, elders) into a council meeting in the 'Long Room' to discuss the sin of' 'illicit smoke signalling' going on.

EJ..'Dat woemann Danny-ell is signalling heap bad medicine in der smoke signalling. Da signals use bad words. Not good for me being chief. Must stop, not only dat but der smoke gets into der lungs of me and cause much coffin' Come forth the der 'Inkwisiter'

Note:-'Inkwisiter' is one of EJ's right hand men and does his bidding without question.

IW..'Wot want boss?'

EJ...'Mountainous problem, you fix. Now! Speak to her through Der Pappy, him stupid and do bidding. No more smoke signals which upset me....der Chief!'

IW to Der Pappy ' understand Der Pappy? You go fix and me report to EJ'

Der Pappy brings word to Robikamball..(der love of Danny-Ell) and explains the chief's rumbling tum in delicate manner. Heap bad hormones cause Danny-Ell to go apecack and pour water on all de dry grass she had been storing for der smoky signals. She speaks bad words and in dubble detentions causing der titterings in de camp of Robikamball. Heap big laughy faces. All is fixed but not with village archmummy called ' Gingyfriesrice' she blistering mad and goes der mental for one whole sundown. Signs not good when she brushes the dirt floor at one wolf howl past bat's twitter.

Der Eyeball Johnny is not happy. All is quiet with no smoky signalling on his watch. Feels there is something in his foot and mumbles to his left hand man 'The White Man' .......

'Not happy TWM...find out why no smokies and bring me word...I see der big clouds on der horizon........'